825 Seventh Street parishoffice@stpatrickrodeo.org 15107994406

What is RCIA?


What is RCIA?

RCIA is the acronym for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. “Rite” here refers to a liturgical ceremony prescribed by the Church to initiate adults into the Catholic Faith.

RCIA is for anyone over 18 years of age who is thinking about the Catholic Faith, and who is unbaptized, baptized in another Christian Faith (e.g., Methodist, Baptist), or baptized a Catholic but who has not received any other sacraments (Baptism,  Reconciliation/ Confession, Communion and Confirmation).

What do you need to do?

1. For further information please call Fr. Larry 799-4406 and set up an appointment.
2. Obtain a copy of your Baptismal Certificate.
3. Find a sponsor who will be with you